January 25, 2023

How ReviewTrackers Photos Feature Enhances Brand Reputation

an illustration of multiple people with smartphones looking at a giant smartphone with images on it

Powerful reputation management software like ReviewTrackers comes with features that brands can use to improve customer retention and enhance the overall experience for the consumers and staff. The latest features, Photos and Photo Management, continue that trend.

The Photos feature lets users view and filter photos from various review sources. With Photo Management, Local Listings users can add and remove Google Business Profile / Google My Business photos, as well as designate cover/logo images directly from ReviewTrackers’ platform.

For any brand, the inclusion of photo analysis in reviews can lead to more powerful and effective decisions down the road. Photos provide additional context about the customer experience, and they are also another way for companies to get a leg up on competitors on search pages.

To ensure that you use Photos and Photo Management to its full extent, we provide a basic tutorial below as well as best practices to ensure success.

How Do ReviewTrackers Photos and Photo Management Work?

A majority of the image content found in Photos comes from user-generated images in reviews. The ReviewTrackers platform will collect pictures from multiple review sources and place them in a centralized location, ReviewTrackers, where multiple users from your team can filter image searches as well as overall analysis.

With Photo Management, you can easily add or remove “owner images,” images uploaded by the Google My Business (GMB) listing owner, as well as make changes to the listing’s profile and cover photo. Photo Management is available for ReviewTrackers customers using the Local Listings feature with a valid Google integration on location listings where auto sync is enabled.


Why Use ReviewTrackers Photos and Photo Management?

Photo analysis from a review perspective as well as photo management are crucial to any brand’s reputation management strategy. ReviewTrackers findings showed that reviews with photos contained 55.8% more characters in reviews in addition to more impressions across multiple industries. Furthermore, our findings show 50% of online shoppers made a purchase with the help of images.

The data above further reinforces the relationship between reviews and SEO (search engine optimization). Multiple factors including character count, specific keywords attached to the brand, and overall review count are all factors that Google looks at when determining the rank of your listing against competitors on search engine results pages. In addition, having review with photos gives Google further data that contextualizes the customer experience, which can make it even easier for consumers to come to a purchase decision.

The ability to easily change your listing’s cover photo is also vital to online brand success, especially when it comes to customer acquisition. Findings from Search Engine Land show that simply having a cover and/or logo photo sends a trust signal to the consumer. Uploading your own photos of each location’s interior or your products and services can serve as your company’s first impression. This allows your team to set expectations before the customer walks through the door. Setting the stage for the customer experience can go a long way to bringing in customers and making them fans of your brand.

All of these factors come from reviews with photos, and it’s up to companies to encourage and normalize the practice of consumers adding images with reviews.

Best Practices for Utilizing ReviewTrackers Photos and Photo Management

Asking for reviews is a crucial part of getting more feedback with images, but context is key when making these requests. Telling people about the power of images in both positive and negative feedback can show how much more their feedback will be incorporated into a better customer experience in the future.

For instance, in the healthcare industry, pictures of unappealing meals or unclean facilities can tell the operations team to find ways to improve sanitation and food quality. Meanwhile, photos of happy patients coupled with the story of how the clinic or a specific doctor helped them get better can bolster your practice or network’s standing as a healthcare pillar to the community. Telling people how their review photos can affect the future experience is a powerful way to ensure more context and information with each piece of feedback.

With each piece of image-led feedback, it’s also important to have a review response strategy in place that directly speaks to the concerns or comments pointed out in the photo. Using the healthcare example above, your reputation team can respond with an apology for the dirty parts of the hospital or clinic and provide plans for how your cleaning crew can improve in the future. If a patient enjoys the care and results after visiting, your team can respond with a simple thank you and encourage them to think of your brand’s practice or clinic when the time comes for another visit.

Showing your company’s willingness to respond to any feedback, regardless of its sentiment, sends valuable trust signals to consumers. It can even be the differentiating factor between you and a local competitor offering similar products or services. A well-crafted response shows that you care about the feedback and are willing to make changes to win back the consumer while also attracting even more customers.

To properly set expectations, your teams should also upload your own pictures on each location’s GMB listing.. Compelling images can include multiple images of each location’s interior space showcasing the overall atmosphere or cleanliness. You can also add a group photo to provide more familiarity between the staff and the consumer. Including a few images of the actual products and services offered within each location can also make for a better case to the customer that your brand is worth the time and money. The more “owner images” on each listing, the more you can help the consumer make a more informed decision and set yourself apart from competitors.

It goes without saying, but it’s important to ensure that these photos are of a high quality and clearly showcase the brand in a positive light. Blurry photos or images with extreme contrasts might be off-putting to some customers and might convince them to look at a competitor.


With Photos and Photo Management ReviewTrackers customers can get even more from the powerful reputation management software. Getting accurate, actionable, and valuable insights from images in reviews can give your teams the necessary context for why a customer enjoyed or disliked their experience in addition to specific directions on how to improve for future customers. When combined with powerful listing management software and customer experience analysis, your team can ensure better customer retention and constant revenue growth in the long run.

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